You are here: Manage Listings > Revise Listings > Add a property picture > Change the order of property pictures

Change the order of property pictures

To change the order of property pictures for a listing

  1. From the Listings menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of the page to view a different status, if necessary.
  2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon .
  3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures.
  4. Drag and drop the picture to re-sort.
  5. Click the Save & Exit button. WARNING: New uploads and changes will not be saved to the listing until you click the Save & Exit button.

NOTE: By default, pictures are loaded alphabetically by file name and will display in a grid with a sort order number.

TIP: If your changes do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Upload and Manage Pictures" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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